Types of Oak Furniture
Oak furniture is a popular choice for many people. Its popularity has been increasing as working hours have been extended and our busy daily lives have increased. This busy lifestyle has led to people wanting simple and easy-care home interiors. Oak furniture is very easy to maintain and only requires dusting and a buffing every 6 months.
Red and white oak
While red and white oak furniture may look similar, the difference between the two is substantial. Although both types of oak can be used for interior purposes, red oak is the more commonly used. While white oak is less expensive, red oak has a higher price tag. This is due to the difference in the amount of sapwood and heartwood. The sapwood is the wood underneath the finish, while the heartwood is the part of the tree that is used for flooring and furniture.
Red oak has a reddish color, while white oak is lighter and sand-colored. There are numerous different shades of each type, which make it difficult to distinguish. Luckily, some simple tests can help you determine which kind of oak your furniture is made from. Try placing a piece of oak in a glass of water and blowing air through one end of the piece. The oak will produce bubbles, which is a sign of red oak. Another way to distinguish between red and white oak is to apply a 10% solution of sodium nitrite on one end of the wood. When you’re finished, the red oak will absorb the sodium nitrite and turn a deep purple to black.
Red and white oaks are closely related in color, but are different species. Northern red oak has a uniform “Wheat” color, while Southern and Appalachian red oak has a higher range of variations in color. In contrast, White Oak is generally lighter in color, and will vary in color from light brown to dark yellow. Depending on the species, it may be difficult to distinguish between the two by looking at individual boards.
Quartersawn white oak
Quartersawn white oak is a strong, durable wood that is especially beautiful in dining room furniture. Its flake pattern creates a dramatic, three-dimensional appearance. This wood is also more stable than other kinds of wood, including plain sawn oak, and has a low risk of warping and cupping. In addition, it has a high Janka hardness rating of 1360.
The quartersawn method of cutting oak logs creates a unique grain pattern that is less likely to warp or check. Quartersawn white oak is typically white oak, but it can be made from red oak as well. The wood grain is also smoother and less pronounced, making it an excellent choice for Mission-style furniture.
Quartersawn white oak lumber displays a distinctive figure called ray flecks. This unique ray pattern is more prominent than in ordinary, straight-sawn lumber. Quartersawn white oak has long and wide rays, which give it more figure. This makes it perfect for furniture with Mission style or other styles.
Quartersawn white oak furniture is a solid choice for those looking for quality and durability. The wood’s unique markings make it a desirable choice for mission-style and arts & crafts-style homes. It pairs well with furniture made from mortise-and-tenon joinery and corbels.
Quartersawn black oak
Quartersawn black oak is an attractive wood choice for your home. This type of lumber has natural characteristics that create unique patterns. Some of these characteristics include “ray flecks,” “flakes,” and “figures”. These traits make quartersawn wood an excellent choice for furniture. In addition to its attractive appearance, quartersawn oak is also durable and is ideal for high-traffic areas.
Quartersawn black oak furniture is generally more expensive than plain sawn oak, but is worth the extra cost. The reason why it’s more expensive is because of the labor involved in producing it. It also produces a large amount of waste. Many people use quartersawn wood for arts and crafts pieces and mission style furniture.
A quartersawn cut reveals the unique grain pattern that is not visible in a straight cut. Its longer rays give the wood more figure. White oak has longer rays, so quartersawn furniture has a finer figure than straight cut oak. The grain pattern on white oak is even more prominent when the wood is quartersawn.
The process of making Quartersawn black oak furniture makes it more durable than plain sawn wood. It starts with the tree’s growth rings, which intersect at 90 degrees. Then, the wood is quartersawn and sliced again until it reaches the desired size. This process increases the stability of the wood and increases the resistance to warping.